PhD, President, Centre for International Relation, Poland
Dr Bonikowska is a Polish political scientist, university professor, media commentator and President of the Centre for International Relations. She specializes in international affairs and European studies with particular emphasis on the European Foreign and Security Policy and the EU Global Strategy. Her research focuses on information wars and Europe – Asia relations, with special attention to South East Asia and conflict zones. Graduated from Sorbonne University and Warsaw University, she completed a specialization program at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at the Columbia University in New York (Fulbright Scholarship) and two PhD programmes at the Polish Academy of Sciences and at the International School for Historic Studies in RSM. She is the author of circa 250 publications and tutor of over 150 BA, MA and post-graduated thesis. She is fluent in English, French and Italian, able also to communicate in Russian.