Foreign Threats to the 2020 US Federal Elections

National Intelligence Council This document is a declassified version of a classified report that the Intelligence Community provided to the President, senior Executive Branch officials, and Congressional leadership and intelligence oversight committees on 07 January 2021. The Intelligence Community rarely can publicly reveal the full extent of its knowledge or the specific information on which it bases its analytic conclusions, as doing so could endanger sensitive sources and methods and imperil the Intelligence Community’s ability to collect critical foreign intelligence. (more…)

Voices of Central and Eastern Europe

Globsec and Eastern Europe Studies Centre  In countries with higher rankings in democracy quality indexes, respondents are more satisfied with their current governance system than in countries on lower ranks; However, expressing higher support for liberal democracy over autocratic leaders does not correlate with their satisfaction with the current governance system – countries with most respondents preferring liberal democracy over autocracy are not necessarily the countries with highest degrees of satisfaction with the current system of governance.

Kremlin related media: Baltic countries and Poland are unable to counter COVID-19

DebunkEU The pandemic is being used to spread false and misleading narratives with one single aim – discrediting the Baltic countries and Poland and their efforts to fight the pandemic. According to Debunk EU analysis, in November the main targets of disinformation became quarantine measures, vaccination programs, NATO exercise, and general abilities of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Poland to cope with the virus…

Defender 2020 On September 2019 – June 2020, spotted and analysed 409 mentions September 2019 – June 2020 of Defender 2020 military drills….

Coronavirus disinformation In April-June 2020, analysed 9 881 articles andspotted 617 disinformation cases related to Lithuania,Latvia and Estonia in the context of COVID-19…

Information warfare in the Internet

Centrefor International Relations This paper summarises the project entitled “Information warfare in the Internet. Exposing and countering pro-Kremlin disinformation in the Central and Eastern European …

Winning the Information War

Edward Lucas and Peter Pomeranzev
The Russian government uses disinformation, incitement to violence and hate speech to destroy trust, sap morale, degrade the information space, erode public discourse and increase partisanship. Our ability to respond is constrained by the mainstream media’s loss of reach and impact. Its myth-busting and fact-checking reaches only a limited audience—and probably not the one the Kremlin is targeting… 